
Showing posts from January, 2021

The Literature and Narrative of Dementia

Dementia is a condition that cannot be fully conveyed through literature, but the narrative has its place in learning about and analyzing a person’s life course, which is overtaken by the clinical and medical courses. Relationship dynamic changes             When someone is diagnosed with dementia, their whole world is changed, and the way that they experience life is dramatically altered. It is critical to hang onto what they can do, and can remember, but it is equally important to be able to anticipate the gaps that they will not be able to fill in. Spouses will be faced with moments where their spouse no longer remembers the dynamic of their relationships, when their spouse flirts with other people, etc… You become whoever they need you to be. Today you are their cousin, tomorrow you might be their father, the next, you are an old pet.             In addition to these c...

Global Prevalence of Dementia/Alzheimer's (A Perspective on World Alzheimer Report from 2009)

  The expected number of individuals living with dementia is expected to triple by 2050 Dementia as a society When we look at the state of care for dementia around the world, it is easy - from a care provider perspective - to see gaps, holes, and knicks in coverage. However, if one wanders outside of the realm of being a family carer, a caregiver, or healthcare provider, it may be difficult to notice or observe these inadequacies. Education is a key component to the success of dementia care, not only for healthcare providers but for society to remain more educated on dementia.  For example, when creating senior living facilities, individuals living with dementia are always separated into a different "ward," separated by heavy, and intimidating security doors with codes and cameras watching one's every movement. We should look to assimilate seniors who are living within the same community, to avoid the sad story of couples who are separated based on differing care needs, l...

I Feel Guilty For Wanting to Re-Home Mom

 Many adult children face this question every day, not sure what the right solution is, and the great part is, you are not alone! 85% of seniors want to stay at home for as long as possible     The statistics are overwhelming, however, the expectation of staying home is different than it if it is feasible and realistic for someone to remain at home. Some older adults maintain their independence and ability to complete activities of daily living up until they pass away, others, are more than likely going to need additional support along the way, whether that means home health services like physical therapy, or respite care for a family caregiver when they go on vacation.   There are many people involved     If your mom or dad wants to stay at home, but you or your siblings have observed their daily routine long enough to know that home is no longer safe for them, that is something to take note of. You can also get their physician, social worker, and the...

Oral Care and Older Adults

  As we age, oral care should not take a back seat, and caregivers can help older adults maintain their dignity through oral health maintenance.    Why is brushing important for seniors?      Brushing is a part of a daily routine for oral health, or maybe denture care for certain people. To some, being able to chew and consume food is an expectation, but this can only be a reality when oral health and care is maintained.  What are the consequences of poor oral health?     Senior care facilities can support residents by making sure that oral care is a part of everyone's routine, from independent living to in-patient hospice care, oral swabs are available to be used. Some common oral issues in older adults include dry mouth, gum disease, tooth decay, and oral cancer. Individuals living with dementia can often experience intense oral pain without a way to express their pain through verbal means and use gestures or abnormal behaviors to convey t...